Girl Scout House Usage
We are extremely lucky to have a dedicated meeting room for the Girl Scouts of Mill Creek. The room is for Girl Scout use only and is not rented out to outside or private groups.
Reserving Space
Contact to reserve meeting times for your troop or troop event. Check the calendar prior to making your request to see what is available. Meeting time is typically allocated to the 2nd/4th days or 1st/3rd/5th days of the week. Many troops meet once a month, as well.
Contact the SU Treasurer to pay the small yearly fee for room use, or pay the fee directly here. This fee covers cleaning supplies and small repair items.
If you meet in the room on a regular basis, but will not be using it at your allocated time, please let us know so that we can free up the space for other troops. The room is in high demand!
Resources Available in the Room
There are many resources available to all troops, not just those that use the room. You will see sign-out sheets for both camping and activity equipment, as well as Girl Scout print materials and other troop supplies available in Juliette’s Closet (the cabinets just inside the kitchen).
SU electronics should NEVER leave the premises.
Room Construction Updates
We are thankful to the Borough for repairing our roof and keeping our girls safe! See the progress of the structural project below.