Forms & Guidelines

For a comprehensive list of forms, see the GSEP Forms page.

Troop Meetings

You must always have two unrelated, registered & cleared adults at any gathering of girls. To attend meetings, girls must be registered Girl Scouts and have a current Parent Parent Consent and Health History Record on file with you. Unless a parent/guardian is a registered & cleared Girl Scout volunteer, they are not permitted to stay at troop meetings.

Travel: Day Field Trips

Travel: Overnights and Camping

1-2 Night Overnights
Overnight Trip Applications for 1-2 nights are approved by the SU Trip Manager.

  • For 1-2 night trips, submit at least two weeks prior to your departure day .

  • To help organize the large number of trip requests, please submit forms as a PDF in the format: Trip Date / Troop Number / Destination (i.e.: “09/13/23 7031 Camp Laughing Waters.PDF”)

3+ Night Overnights
Overnight Trip Applications for 3 nights or more are approved by GSEP.

  • For trips over 3 nights within GSEP council boundaries, submit at least 30 days prior to departure.

  • For trips over 3 nights outside of GSEP council boundaries but within the United States, submit at least 60 days prior to departure.

  • For trips over 3 nights outside of the United States, submit at least 3 months prior to departure.

Required Overnight Training
Indoor Overnight Skills is a prerequisite to Basic Outdoor Skills and is required to take troops on overnight trips to indoor, modern facilities (museums, hotels, etc). Check the GSEP registration system for upcoming dates.

Prior to camping and cooking outdoors with your troop (tents or cabins), you must complete Basic Outdoor Skills after completing Indoor Overnight Skills. This training is an in-person training. Check the GSEP registration system for dates.

Certificates of Insurance (COI)

You must ensure GSEP has a copy of a venue’s COI if your activity meets the criteria found on GSEP’s full instructional document .

  • Generally, you must file a COI with GSEP (or check if it is already on file) if: 

    1. There is a high-risk activity involved.

    2. The venue is a privately-owned business (Crayola Factory, Phila Rock Gym, Riverbend) and either they or you are providing programming in their space.

    3. Vendors come to your meeting to provide programming (bouncy house, petting zoo).

    4. You are traveling and staying in a hotel or hostel ,or using bus or charter services.

  • COIs are NOT NEEDED for publicly owned venues like state parks, universities, public schools, or libraries.

  • If you need to check if a venue has a Certificate of Insurance (COI) on file, or provide GSEP with a venue’s Certificate of Insurance, go here for instructions. 


The Service Unit Managers approve or deny all money-earning requests, and then forward those requests to GSEP. In order to participate in money-earning activities, troops must participate in cookie sales. You may not run a competing fundraiser during the period from January to March when cookie sales take place.

To apply for a money-earning activity, submit this form to at least FOUR WEEKS prior to your event for ALL fundraising your troop is doing. 

Girls must have direct involvement in the money-earning activity – no product resale, restaurant nights, or games of chance (raffle tickets) will be allowed.